Credit Score Ranges: What is an Excellent, Good, or Poor Credit Score?

7 minutes to read Updated: January 29, 2024 Originally published: January 31, 2020. Learn about the FICO or VantageScore credit score ranges and how to determine if your credit score is excellent, good, or poor. Two commonly used credit scoring models, FICO and VantageScore, both use a scale of 300 to 850 and divide that …

Why Do Employers Check Your Credit?

Some employers run a credit check before hiring to help limit risk. Here’s what they check, your legal rights, and how to keep your credit in good standing. This article contains general information and is not intended to provide information specific to American Express products and services. Similar products and services offered by different companies …

How to Pick Your First Travel Rewards Credit Card

Maybe one day, while scrolling through your friend’s vacation-themed Instagram posts during your sad desk lunch hour, you start craving a travel adventure of your own. If you’re not sure how to finance your global goals, one way to do it is to apply for your first credit card that earns travel rewards. Travel credit …

What is a Credit Report and Why is it Important?

In today’s web-dominated, location-based digital age, it’s not uncommon for the websites and apps you use to track nearly every move you make. But did you know that there’s also a group of credit reporting agencies that track your financial payment history? The credit reports they generate are a detailed, objective description of your creditworthiness …