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Credit Score Ranges: What is an Excellent, Good, or Poor Credit Score?

7 minutes to read Updated: January 29, 2024

Originally published: January 31, 2020.

Learn about the FICO or VantageScore credit score ranges and how to determine if your credit score is excellent, good, or poor.

Two commonly used credit scoring models, FICO and VantageScore, both use a scale of 300 to 850 and divide that scale into five credit score ranges.

Your credit score range will help determine how likely you are to get a loan or credit and the interest rate you will pay.

Although the different credit scoring standards may seem confusing, they have more similarities than differences.

Figuring out what a 640 (or 580, or 810, or…) credit score means isn’t like cracking the Da Vinci Code. But it certainly feels that way when you consider the various credit scoring standards out there, including FICO, VantageScore, and industry-specific standards used for personal loans.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be the hero of The Da Vinci Code to understand your credit score. That’s because the different scales are more similar than different, and the scales are divided into credit score ranges with easy-to- remember names (like “Good” and “Excellent”).

While cracking the credit code won’t save the world, knowing your credit score range can help you understand how lenders view your credit risk. This can help you plan for every aspect of your life, including the success of your credit card, loan, and lease applications, and the favorable interest rates you can expect to receive. If you don’t like what 1, 3, and 2, 4 mean for your credit score range , you can take steps to change it . (If you don’t know your current score, it can be hard to find out. Learn more in How to Check Your Credit Score for Free.)

Overview of Credit Score Ranges and Scales

Two commonly used credit scoring models, FICO and VantageScore, both rate credit scores on a scale of 300 to 850, with the scores divided into five credit score ranges. The ranges are slightly different in the two models, and the names are different. 1 If you’ve heard of a top score, it ‘s likely based on an industry-specific scoring model.

Credit score ranges and rating labels for FICO and VantageScore are shown below, a table of credit score ranges from highest to lowest, according to Experian.

Credit Score Range Chart
Rating/points model Credit score range

Advantage score


781-850 AD


Good/Vantage Rating




Fairness/Advantage Scoring







Poor Credit Score/FICO

Very Poor/VantageScore



Source: Experian 1

Equifax credit score ranges and more.

The credit score range can get even more complicated because there are more credit scoring models than just these two. Companies like Experian and Equifax have their own proprietary scoring models. For example, the Equifax credit score range from best to worst is: 5 .

  • Very good: 760-850
  • Excellent: 725-759
  • Good: 660-724
  • Fair: 560-659
  • Poor: 280-559

What is an excellent credit score?

Obtaining an 800 FICO score is the ultimate goal for many people, and for good reason. People with excellent credit scores are more likely to be approved for a credit card or loan, and are more likely to receive the best terms and/or interest rates . 3 This is because lenders have a high degree of confidence that people with credit scores in this range will be able to repay their debts.

Better terms . For example, if your VantageScore is 720 or higher, you may qualify for a new car loan with an interest rate as low as 5.18%, according to Experian .

“Perfect” score . There are two more things to note about this range. First, experts call any FICO score of 800 or higher “excellent,” meaning that striving for a higher score may not get you better terms . 7 Second, note that the VantageScore range is slightly different: Any score of 781 or higher is considered excellent.

900: Unicorn . You may have heard of a credit score as high as 900. Unlike unicorns, there is a 900. But nowadays, it appears in FICO Auto and FICO Bankcard scores .

Very good/good range meaning

Experts say that if your credit score is in the top range, your chances of getting a loan or line of credit are good — and if your application is approved, you may get a higher-than-average interest rate or terms .

If you have an average credit score, you can usually still borrow money, but it will be more difficult to do so. Experts say you will be less likely to be approved for a loan, and the terms may be less favorable .

What is a bad credit score?

Those with lower credit scores are less likely to be approved for a loan and may need to pay higher-than-average interest rates and/or a security deposit. 9,10 Applicants with Federal Housing Administration (FAA) scores below 580 may qualify for an insured mortgage, but only if they meet other requirements and pay a 10% security deposit, with a minimum security deposit of 3.5% for higher score applicants. 11 , 12

Lower credit score range

If your credit score falls below the “very poor” credit score range, it may be difficult to get approved for prime credit. To borrow money, you may need to pay a deposit in lieu of a secured line of credit. 10 Other options are expensive “small amount” loans (such as car titles or payday loans) with interest rates as high as 400% . 13

Review your credit score range

When evaluating the impact of your credit score, keep in mind that lenders consider a variety of data sets when determining your credit score, which can help or hurt you . 14 Of course, credit scores don’t stay the same over time—you can take steps to improve your score. (To learn more about how your credit score is determined, read “What is a Credit Score and How Is It Determined?”)

Knowing your credit score range can help you anticipate lenders’ decisions and help you plan your budget. While not all lenders interpret your credit score exactly the same, if your total score is in the 800s, you’ll be worry-free. If your score is 600 or lower, you’ll have fewer options and will have to pay more for your loan.

1 “What is a good credit score?” Experian

2 “What are the different credit score ranges?”, Equifax

3 “Credit Scores,” Federal Trade Commission

4 “Repair Your Credit Claim,” Federal Trade Commission

5 “Equifax Credit Score Ranges (U.S. Only)”, Equifax

6 “How Much Car Loan Can You Get Based on Your Credit Score?” Experian

7 “The Perfect Credit Score: Understanding the 850 FICO Score,” FICO

8 “FICO® Score Versions”, FICO

9 “What is a good credit score?” Equifax

10 “How to Fix a Bad Credit Score,” Experian

11 “FHA Loans Can Help You,” U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

12 “FHA Single-Family Origination Trends,” U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

13 “What is a payday loan?” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

14 “What is a Credit Score?” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Alan Halcrow is a freelance writer specializing in business, human resources, and diversity and inclusion. He is also the author of four management books.

All CreditIntel content is written by freelance writers and commissioned and paid for by American Express.

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